Debugging 502 errors in Mastodon

Recently after making some changes to my Mastodon server, I began suffering a host of 502 and 500 errors. The root cause turned out to be something unexpected, so I thought I’d document my debugging process to explain how I tracked it down. This post will also serve as, I hope, an answer to someone wrestling with their own server if they have the same problem.

Spoiler: if you get a lot of IPAddr::InvalidAddressError in your service logs, make sure you haven’t set the ALLOW_PRIVATE_ADDRESSES environment variable to something invalid like localhost. That’s a comma-separated list of IP addresses; it should be if it’s anything.

Read on to learn why it took so long to sort this out and how I eventually solved it.

The Manifestation

The problem began with me noticing that several features of Mastodon were no longer working on my server:

  • I couldn’t search for accounts on other servers.
  • If I tried to ‘like’ a post on somoene else’s server and it navigated back to my server, I got a “This page failed” page instead of the opportunity to like a post.
  • Several images failed to load.

Popping open Chrome Inspector and checking the Network tab showed these were all HTTPS 500 or 502 errors. The error message itself revealed nothing (I’m assuming Mastodon doesn’t give a stacktrace on an error page for security reasons). I saw no obvious cause, so off we go to debug.

The Debuggening

Step 1: Did we break it?

I’ve made a couple customizations to my instance of Mastodon, so my first instinct was to check if I broke it. I did a quick git rollback to the head of the glitch-soc codebase that I base my changes on. Unfortunately, a rollback and a reset (systemctl restart mastodon-web) did not fix the issue. At this point, I suspected I had bad state; time to learn more about the error.

Step 2: Finding the error

Since the 500 sent to the client was useless, I decided to check on the server logs. Since I have Mastodon set up to run as a systemd service, it has fairly robust log storage; journalctl -u mastodon-web -f gave me access to the stdout / stderr of the process. I kicked off another off-node search and sure enough, this log showed the issue:

IPAddr::InvalidAddressError (invalid address:  on<edit: remaining URL omitted for privacy>):

/home/mastodon/.rbenv/versions/3.2.2/lib/ruby/3.2.0/ipaddr.rb:684:in `in6_addr'

… okay, now we’re getting somewhere. I’m not seeing the invalid address that’s being attempted, but I have an invalid address… Somewhere. The backtrace is uselessly bare-bones. So let’s see if I can learn more about this error:

git grep -rn InvalidAddressError
app/lib/request.rb:254:        rescue IPAddr::InvalidAddressError
app/models/account_filter.rb:137:  rescue IPAddr::InvalidAddressError
lib/mastodon/cli/ip_blocks.rb:139:    rescue IPAddr::InvalidAddressError

I can probably rule out the cli file because I’m not in the command line tools. account_filter might matter. But request deals with making outbound requests from my node, the kind of thing you’d do to resolve search or try to send out a like… Okay. Let’s start there.

Here I got a bit lucky. The line that showed up in the grep was irrelevant. But while reading the rest of the file, I chanced across these lines:

  def perform
      response = http_client.request(@verb, @url.to_s, @options.merge(headers: headers))
    rescue => e
      raise e.class, "#{e.message} on #{@url}", e.backtrace[0]

That "#{e.message} on #{@url}" pattern matches the actual error in the logs. And I can see precisely why my backtrace is so bare-bones: we’re trimming it on purpose down to the top of the backtrace!

Step 3: Hack the code

We need more information to be able to isolate this error. It’s simple enough to just dump the rest of the backtrace by adding this line above the raise: "Oops! Request error with backtrace {e.backtrace}"

I had to do a systemctl restart mastodon-web to get the change taken up, and it’s slow to test on production, but I couldn’t get the issue to reproduce at all in my development environment.

There’s an old saying: “Everyone has a test environment. Some developers have the luxury of a production environment separate from test.”

Now running the search dumps the entire stacktrace. I threw some formatting regexps at it, and saw the following:

 ["/home/mastodon/.rbenv/versions/3.2.2/lib/ruby/3.2.0/ipaddr.rb:684:in `in6_addr'",
 "/home/mastodon/.rbenv/versions/3.2.2/lib/ruby/3.2.0/ipaddr.rb:620:in `initialize'",
 "/home/mastodon/live/app/lib/request.rb:332:in `new'",
 "/home/mastodon/live/app/lib/request.rb:332:in `block in private_address_exceptions'",
 "/home/mastodon/live/app/lib/request.rb:332:in `map'",
 "/home/mastodon/live/app/lib/request.rb:332:in `private_address_exceptions'",
 "/home/mastodon/live/app/lib/request.rb:326:in `check_private_address'",
 "/home/mastodon/live/app/lib/request.rb:268:in `block in open'",
 ... etc ...

So line 332 jumped out at me.

@private_address_exceptions = (ENV['ALLOWED_PRIVATE_ADDRESSES'] || '').split(/(?:\s*,\s*|\s+)/).map { |addr| }

Ah-hah! I had recently added ALLOWED_PRIVATE_ADDRESSES=localhost to my .env.production file while setting up translations (editor’s note: to minimize confusion of future readers, I’ve corrected the previous blogpost). Turns out that’s incorrect; that should be an IP address, not a domain name, even localhost. Sure enough, I confirmed that loading IPAddr and attempting'localhost') is an error in Ruby. And the issue didn’t show up when I tried to roll all my changes back because the .env.* files aren’t checked into version control; I didn’t have history on changes to this file.

The fix was simple enough: I removed the whole line from the config. It turns out it wasn’t necessary anyway.

Should Mastodon crash like this?

The short answer is no; it’s not great that Mastodon isn’t treating environment variables as unsanitary external input and is ram-rodding them into the code at a low-level without validating them. But that’s extremely par-for-the-course, not just for open-source software, but software in general; I’ve seen plenty of projects that assume things like env vars, because they’re also touched by developers, are trusted data. I might try to propose a validator change on the Mastodon project, but more important than preventing this issue in the first place is having the skills to identify it when it’s an issue. Hopefully, this deep(-ish) dive in the debugging process helps someone down the line pick apart why their server is misbehaving.

I suspect that someone will be me, a couple years from now. ;)
